( A registered Trust with Govt of India 743/2020-21)
We request our honourable contributors to select from the options as per their wishes
1 One time contribution
2 Regular monthly contribution
3 Yearly
( A registered Trust with Govt of India 743/2020-21)
We request our honourable contributors to select from the options as per their wishes
1 One time contribution
2 Regular monthly contribution
3 Yearly
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MOnthly or yearly contributionYou can move the text by dragging and dropping the text anywhere on the page. Keep the text short .
Product Photos
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Candid shots
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Bank Details
Account Holder Name :
Organization of Unearthing Suppressed Realities of Hindustani History
Bank ; Axis Bank
Branch ; Karolbagh Delhi, India
Swift code ( for international transfers): AXISINBB223
IFSCode ( for transfers in India ): UTIB0000223
Account no: 920020066480056
For queries / confirmation of contribution Kindly mail us below with your details.
Prof Kapil Kumar (Principal Trustee )
Account Holder Name :
Organization of Unearthing Suppressed Realities of Hindustani History
Bank ; Axis Bank
Branch ; Karolbagh Delhi, India
Swift code ( for international transfers): AXISINBB223
IFSCode ( for transfers in India ): UTIB0000223
Account no: 920020066480056
For queries / confirmation of contribution Kindly mail us below with your details.
Prof Kapil Kumar (Principal Trustee )